What Students Are Saying
It’s no exaggeration to say that relearning the piano as an adult has changed my life, and having Judy Greene as my teacher is pure joy. She always finds the absolutely right way to approach a problem without being dogmatic about it. Judy has infinite patience, a great sense of humor, and she’s also tremendously knowledgeable. I even love to practice! Gloria K.
I couldn't recommend a teacher more highly. Stephany H.
She's the best teacher I ever had!
Although I am a busy student with little extra time, Judy manages to help me use my practice time wisely. Lessons are fun for me, even when I have lots of homework and can't fit in much else, but I love to play the piano!
February 15, 2025 Judy Greene is a piano teacher in Upper West Side Manhattan, who has over 30 years experience bringing back the joy of piano lessons.
"Having Judy Greene as my teacher is pure joy." Members Login |